The Availability of Energy Across the United States by Source and by State

The United States has a diverse energy portfolio, with a variety of energy sources available across the country. The availability of energy by source and by state varies depending on a number of factors, including geography, climate, and infrastructure.

Energy Sources by State
The following table shows the primary energy sources used in each state in the United States:

State      Primary Energy Source

Alabama Coal
Alaska Natural gas
Arizona Natural gas
Arkansas Natural gas
California Natural gas
Colorado Natural gas
Connecticut Electricity
Delaware Electricity
Florida Natural gas
Georgia Natural gas
Hawaii Petroleum
Idaho Hydropower
Illinois Coal Indiana Coal
Iowa Wind
Kansas Natural gas
Kentucky Coal
Louisiana Natural gas
Maine Hydropower
Maryland Electricity
Massachusetts Electricity
Michigan Coal
Minnesota Coal
Mississippi Natural gas
Missouri Coal
Montana Coal
Nebraska Coal
Nevada Natural gas
New Hampshire Electricity
New Jersey Electricity
New Mexico Natural gas
New York Electricity
North Carolina Natural gas
North Dakota Coal
Ohio Coal
Oklahoma Natural gas
Oregon Hydropower
Pennsylvania Coal
Rhode Island Electricity
South Carolina Nuclear
South Dakota Wind
Tennessee Coal
Texas Natural gas
Utah Coal
Vermont Hydropower
Virginia Coal
Washington Hydropower
West Virginia Coal
Wisconsin Coal
Wyoming Coal

Future Trends

The availability of energy across the United States is expected to change in the coming years. The following are some of the key trends that are expected to shape the future of energy in the United States:

Increasing use of renewable energy: The use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. This is due to a number of factors, including the declining cost of renewable energy technologies and the growing demand for clean energy.

Declining use of coal: The use of coal is expected to decline in the coming years. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing cost of coal and the environmental concerns associated with coal mining and burning.

Increasing use of natural gas: The use of natural gas is expected to increase in the coming years. This is due to a number of factors, including the abundance of natural gas in the United States and the relatively low cost of natural gas.

The availability of energy across the United States is a complex issue that is constantly changing. By understanding the current and future trends in energy production and consumption, we can better prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Part or all of this article may have been written by Art Intel. This article is strictly for entertainment purposes. 

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